
Sunday, February 24, 2013


So I was thinking yesterday while browsing for Hentai.

Why are there no Bible Black Dakimakura? (body pillows):

You would think they would have made one by now. Would you buy one?  I sure would

I mean we got toys and towels and figures, why not a Pillow?
I would also like to see more Merchandise, some more wallscrolls would be nice.

I did however found a cool site where you can get them made:

I think i will be getting one.

I wouldn't mind a Manga set or a BOX SET of  DVDs, or even some Dolls with Details hint hint.

What kinda of  Merchandise would you like to see?

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Afternoon :)

Wondering weather to get the Other 2 colors of Imari just for the cool toys that come with it.

Found out that Blueray is not gunna last due to the quality being mostly the same as HD. 3D is the thing now.
So I don't think we will get to see BB in BR any time soon.

I wish they would make a BOX SET. that would be nice.

Mabey they are not doing it yet because they plan on doing another season????